Welcome to Nature's Acre

Photo Gallery

Nature's Acre is a natural, peaceful and organic piece of land. Its diversity makes it a very interesting and fun place. We have fruit trees, plants, bamboo, sugar cane, a vegetable garden, a tree house, a big barn and a circular coral rock wall surrounding a grotto. It's all located in a quiet rural-residential setting.

Our totally organic acre is located in the Redlands, so called because of the color of the native soil in this particular part of Miami, Florida. We are near the eastern boundary of Everglade's National Park.

We have a huge variety of tropical and sub-tropical fruit trees and plants. They include: avocados, mangos, lychees, carambolas, coconuts, loquats, papayas, bananas, guavas, mulberries, acerola cherries, tamarind, pomegranates, pineapples, raspberries, jackfruit, mamey, guanabana, anona, caimitos, black sapote, sapodilla, coffee beans, Macadamia nuts, monstera deliciosa, sugar cane, aloe and more. We also have a nice vegetable garden all winter long.

You can climb up and enjoy a custom made, functional, tree-friendly, sweet-smelling, cedar tree house with a beautiful view. You can also sit on our hand-made, coral rock, circular wall surrounding our step-down grotto that gradually reaches down through the South Florida coral rock to the water-table. We use this peaceful ceremonial circle for full moon gatherings and when you just want to sit and relax amongst the trees. We also have a giant see-saw, an outdoor, wooden fitness center and giant, wooden stairs for those who want to exercise in nature.

We periodically have vegetarian get-togethers and pot-luck dinners so friends can come out and enjoy our acre of paradise. They are usually attended by 25 to 35 people.

We have a big green barn that has a tool room and a nice workshop. There is a refrigerator, a solar hot-water shower, a washing machine, a composting toilet, bicycles and weight-lifting equipment to use.

Mulch covers the ground on the entire acre. We compost everything. We have a chipper to make our own mulch from all our cut branches and neighbor's branches as well.

At different times, we look for responsible, considerate and conscientious individuals to appreciate our piece of nature while living and helping on the acre by partaking in our working/learning experience.

Living and working on the acre is a great learning experience of organic farming. You can partake in growing and fertilizing trees and plants organically, propagating different species of plants, including bananas, sugar cane, pineapples, papayas and monstera deliciosa, composting and mulching efficiently, and controlling weeds organically. You'll also learn the right times and methods of harvesting different fruits from the trees, and to prune and trim trees effectively, both by hand and with hand-held machinery. You'll also learn how to use a machete.

Please look at our picture gallery and enjoy the work that nature and we have done to create Nature's Acre in Miami.

Contact Saul Wiezenthal in Miami at (305) 261-2594, or at saul222@gmail.com.